The collective work of teachers and students in the business administration program


  • Andrés Alberto Arias Pineda Docente
  • Samuel López Castaño



Formative research, administration epistemology, pedagogical, strategy


Research is an indispensable condition for the development of the sciences and disciplines, which has been relatively absent in business administration. The Catholic University of Pereira has adopted the model of collective work between teachers and students as pedagogical strategy to problematize specific issues of the discipline, in order not only to develop skills and knowledge that others have already discovered, but also to construct their own knowledge through the active processing of information and integration of the different themes developed during the semesters of professional training, as the best way to introduce itself in logic, production methods and socialization of knowledge.

Due to the formative character of the collective work, teachers have the function of guiding and accompany the research process, from the start point of preparation and presentation to the students of a research problem. 

Author Biographies

  • Andrés Alberto Arias Pineda, Docente

    Docente Auxiliar del Programa de Administración de Empresas, UCP. Coordinador de la presente edición

  • Samuel López Castaño

    Director del Programa de Administración de Empresas, UCP.


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