Redesign plan of social science subject, with the ICT integration


  • María Consuelo Galindo Sandoval Licenciada
  • Carlos Alberto Sánchez Naranjo Licenciado



Redesign, TIC (information and communication technologies), interactive, collaborative learning, digital citizenship, digital immigrants


This article presents the results of the project to redesign the plan subject to the eighth grade social science of School Deogracias Cardona with the integration of ICT in the development of school activities as a means to creatively possible new paths in education and motivation of our students called digital citizens, and the development of new paradigms to focus the work of teachers in a new role, most from the orientation and guidance of a process where the student gain a leading role leading his own learning. This project began in 2013 under the redesign plan of Social Sciences subject to eighth grades. This research is based on two techniques: Observation and interview. For the development of this exercise was considered direct observation, held as support field diary. On the other hand held a first interview applied to students and teachers and the first term of 2014, and as additional instruments analysis notes, descriptive observation and a final interview. All this under the subject redesign plan, which included coordinated with students and teachers with permanent use of ICT activities in class and extra class activities.

Author Biographies

  • María Consuelo Galindo Sandoval, Licenciada

    Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas; Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira. 

  • Carlos Alberto Sánchez Naranjo, Licenciado

    Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales; Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.


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