The Power Point uses on the teaching and learning experience in the area of natural sciences


  • John Darío Parra Viveros Licenciado
  • Claudia Lucía Villada Andrade Licenciada



ICT (information and communication technologies), Power Point, new school, teaching and learning


This article is intended to understand the uses of Power Point as a teaching and learning experience in the area of natural sciences in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades of the Educational Institution Jorge Isaacs of the municipality of Ansermanuevo. The investigation has in focus the qualitative comprehension, in which we approach the analysis in three categories: The use of ICT as an instrument of mediation between students and the subject matter, ICT as an instrument to mediate between professors and contents (homework) and finally ICT as an instrument to mediate the relationship among professors and students, or between students. The didactic strategy has a socio-constructive character that was taken from the experimental phase of the investigation, in which the professor sustained the work task, involving the technological resources supporting the pedagogical practice and therefore contributes to a significant learning experiences.

Author Biographies

  • John Darío Parra Viveros, Licenciado

    Licenciado en Áreas Técnicas y Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.

  • Claudia Lucía Villada Andrade, Licenciada

    Licenciada en Educación Física y Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.


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