The video game as a motivation in mathematics learning
TIC, geometría, PowerPoint,, didácticaAbstract
This article aims to show the design and construction of a prototype videogame in Microsoft PowerPoint to motivate learning of geometry in 5th grade students, during the written is exposed theoretical basis for the use of video games in the education, showing the methodology for its implementation, from design to construction.
For the design of the game was considered an attractive environment , with elements of much significance in the everyday student , such as a cell to interact with different environmental elements such as messaging, documents , inventories, photographs and maps, plus confront situations where you can find useful knowledge gained in the area of geometry.
The first level of the game is about a scout that wants to get ancient relics and to achieve this he must solve various geometric problems; on his first scout approach requires different inputs to start their adventure in Egypt.
Finally a functionality test is conducted with a fifth grade student who brings us a validation of the accessibility and navigability of the game.
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