Didactitón: A collaborative and creative work of teaching training through the use of Facebook and classroom processes the Hacker and Maker culture


  • Sandra Cristina Hincapié Gálve Licenciada
  • Lina Vanessa Palacio Marín Licenciada




Practice, Community and Context, collaborative work, collective creation, Facebook


Didactitón refers to a research process that was conducted with a cluster of first semester teaching students from the school Normal Superior “El Jardín” de Risaralda, in which was made a joint between the use of the most popular social networks, which for this case was Facebook, with the pedagogical training classroom, typical of the Practice: "Family, Community and Context". Therefore the use of the terms "Didacti" related with learning processes, and "Ton" which makes reference to Marathon, meaning an intense consolidation activity of collaborative work and collective creation.

This article, as a result of the research in the Edumática Specialization program at the Universidad Católica de Pereira to determines the impact of Facebook and presentiality, in learning processes of the teaching students, confronts theoretical components to the inputs of the process of research and shows the final production, collaborative and collectively created, which was developed from elements of the Hacker and Maker culture during the Practice "Family, Community and Context". From there it was possible for the teaching students to take a new vision of the collective work, since there was no competition and the final output was from and for the common good "From all and for all."

Author Biographies

  • Sandra Cristina Hincapié Gálve, Licenciada

    Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas y Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.

  • Lina Vanessa Palacio Marín, Licenciada

    Licenciada en Pedagogía Infantil y Especialista en Edumática de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.


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