Base components for building significant learning


  • Claudia Lorena Ortiz Londoño Estudiante
  • Diana Marcela Gómez Ocampo Estudiante
  • Hernando Téllez Gómez Estudiante
  • María Alejandra Marín Arango Estudiante



Constructivism, significant learning, Bachelor of Religious Education, teaching, knowing


This paper presents the construction of student learning of the Bachelor of Religious Education, identifying in significant learning the bases for such construction in integration of different disciplines such as psychology, pedagogy, philosophy and oral and written expression as meeting point. The question about knowledge is addressed by showing how the human being maintains this concern and how the undergraduate student manages to solve this question and to be comprehensively trained. In this process the questions about what and how to learn? and how to build? will be fundamental.

Author Biographies

  • Claudia Lorena Ortiz Londoño, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2016-2

  • Diana Marcela Gómez Ocampo, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2016-2.

  • Hernando Téllez Gómez, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2016-2.

  • María Alejandra Marín Arango, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2016-2.


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