La Tecnología en las Sociedades del Control


  • Clara Inés Orrego Correa


Technology, to be able to, society, control society, progress


This article takes technology as a tool of power in control societies, quite a controversial, profoundly contradictory and complex issue, even within the scientific community. From a
functional perspective, it is essential therefore to draw attention to this topic, convinced that there will be no responses to some of the questions it brings up. However, there is also the conviction that with the reflection of one, a meaningful achievement will have been reached towards a more sensible and responsible posture to face the future of technology.

The starting question proposed to approach the topic is thus; to what extend are human beings translating their capacity and responsibility to think, imagine and act into technology?

In order to do this, there is a conceptual development of technology to understand it as a tool of power and dominance in a reflexive manner. There is also a sketch of society's way and the meaning of progress to reference technology in the post industrial or control society. Finally, the support of some experts in the field, there is an effort to point out the virtues and dangers of the current technological progress. 

Author Biography

  • Clara Inés Orrego Correa

    Magister en Administración. Profesora Universidad EAFIT y Fundación U. Luis Amigó.


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