Moral hazard in the general social security system in Colombian health, in 2011


  • Armando Gil Ospina
  • Harold Martínez Jaramillo
  • Diana Fernanda Osorio Pérez


moral hazard, ex ante moral hazard, ex post moral hazard, general socialsecurity health affiliate schemes


This paper presents the analysis of the results and findings of the study related to theexistence of moral hazard in the general social security system Colombian health (SHSS).The aim of the study was to identify the existence of moral hazard in their ex ante and ex postmanifestations.Gertler et al's model was implemented (1987; Applied by Santa Maria et al, 2009), for thecorresponding estimates.Joining a health system increases the probability of medical consultation for prevention (exante moral hazard). Also, when it has additional health programs, the probability ofconsulting for reasons of prevention. Likewise, securing the SHSS (contributory scheme, forexample) generates ex post moral hazard directly: coverage increases the probability ofchoosing medical visits or contact your health care provider.When the contributory scheme they belong increases the probability of using health services3.4% (dependent variable being a doctor depending on the variable in health care spending).A sign of the presence of ex post moral hazard is related to the value to pay for health careservices: a lower value to pay, more likely to see a doctor or health care institution.

Author Biographies

  • Armando Gil Ospina

    Docente del Programa de Economía de la Universidad Católica de Pereira e integrante del grupo de investigación Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo de la facultad de ciencias económicas y administrativas

  • Harold Martínez Jaramillo

    Catedrático del Programa de Economía de la Universidad Católica de Pereira e integrante del grupo de
    investigación Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo de la facultad de ciencias económicas y administrativas

  • Diana Fernanda Osorio Pérez

    Estudiante de Economía y coautora del proyecto de investigación bajo la modalidad de “residencia en línea” para optar el título de economista


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