“Nobody does it, the way Frisby does”: the sense of social responsibility in history of the food company Frisby S.A. (1977-2017)


  • Jhon Jaime Correa Ramírez
  • José Fernando Marín
  • Daniel Fernando Sosa Castillo


business history, social responsibility, competitiveness


The main object of this article is to analyze the sense of social responsibilitythat has been building the Frisby Company, parallel with positioning anddevelopment of the enterprise among fast food competitive market, insidethe capital and intermediates cities along the country. What has beenmentioned is beyond simple assistance and is product of an enterprisesocial vision shared with the owners and instructed to all levels of theorganization, which raised a lot before than social responsibility conceptswere popular.

Author Biographies

  • Jhon Jaime Correa Ramírez

    Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Docente Titular UTP. Director de la Maestría en Historia de la UTP.Co-director del grupo de investigación Políticas, Sociabilidades y Representaciones Históricas-Educativas.

  • José Fernando Marín

    Comunicador social. Director del programa La Buhardilla y Hace años en la Historia de la Emisora RemigioAntonio Cañarte del Instituto de Cultura de Pereira

  • Daniel Fernando Sosa Castillo

    Tecnólogo en Biocomercio Sostenible. Estudiante Lic. Etnoeducación y Desarrollo Comunitario. Miembro delsemillero de investigación formativa en Historia, Cultura Política y Educación





