Aportes De La Investigación-Acción Educativa En La Enseñanza De Las Ciencias Básicas
action-research, teaching, learning, reconstruction, effectiveness analysis, triangulation, interpretation and theorizationAbstract
This article socializes the concept of research which is being developed in the specialization program in Didactics for sciences with emphasis in Mathematics, offered by Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Its aim is systematizing the actionresearch experience with a group of teachers, looking forward the transformation of their pedagogical practice, based on a capacitating model which has its support on the research process. The hypothesis established for the project, is that one of “the teacher as a researcher”. In this perspective, this paper is supported on the
theories proposed by Stenhouse, about this problematic situation.
The project also considers some postulates proposed around education in mathematics, the teacher as a researcher, as well as three orientations about classroom research: first of all qualitative ethnographic research about school situations, as experiences analyzed from the outside of the teaching practice; a second orientation about curriculum, and the third focused on educational actionresearch, centered on the praxis of those teachers who are still working.
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