Perception of the internal collaborator service and attitudes towards organizational conflict in institutions of the public sector of Metropolitan Lima
Organizational conflict, Perception at the service of the internal user, Organizational conflict by scarcity, Emerging organizational conflict, Internalized organizational conflictAbstract
The greatest strength that organizations have in the face of unstable and changing environments are their internal collaborators, the quality that is provided to the external client depends on them. At the same time, labor relations, characterized by interaction, are a constant source of conflicts, which must be anticipated or intervened in time so that they either disappear or become functional. For this reason, the relationship between two psychosocial variables, perception of the service of the internal user and attitudes towards the organizational conflict in the internal users of public institutions was investigated, assuming that they are inverse to each other, globally and between their dimensions. Two valid and reliable Likert-type scales were used in 303 participants with informed consent. Through confirmatory analysis, a model was generated in which the relationship between the dimensions of each variable is plotted. The global inverse relationship and between the dimensions was confirmed, except for assessing their work and internalized conflict. The results found make it possible to design strategies to manage the conflict functionally.
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