erspectivas estéticas de la interacción Humano-Computador (HCI) en las instalaciones artísticas inmersivas–interactivas
aesthetics, , interaction,, immersion, design, art installationsAbstract
The changes that are taking place in the field of new media art made with artistic poseradical changes in the creative process, perception and aesthetics. This paperanalyzes how these changes into immersive artistic installations - interactive, weunveil new poetics that enable a better understanding of the contemporary world thatwe face. Reflection through a number of elements, from those needed to provide theart installation, such as the interface, interactivity, the algorithm, the space - time andinstallation-interactor, to some theories as Endophysics, to help support basicconceptual everything that happens there. Finally hypothesized in process ratherthan finished theory, a few events to facilities that have been called: new poetics ofhuman computer interaction in immersive art installations - interactive
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