Indolent teacher?: A dialogue between De Sousa and Freire
This text builds on the reasons and ecologies that the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos (1970) exposes, as well as the deployment that Paulo Freire (1970, 2003) makes about the educational process emphasizing on the work of teachers. The reflection invites educators to defy the indolent reason and combat the waste of social experience, understanding this indolence as a resignation to the infinite and preset future that has education immersed in a monocultures world. Therefore, an invitation is made in order to advance into the liberating ecologies proposed by De Sousa, and linked to the Pedagogy for Liberation presented by Freire.
Arias, R. L. (2007). Aportes de una lectura en relación con la ética del cuidado y los derechos humanos para la intervención social en el siglo XXI. Revista del Departamento de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, vol 2, 25-36.
De Sousa Santos, B. (2009). Una espistemología del sur: la reinvención del del conocimiento y la emancipación social. México: Siglo XXI-CLACSO.
Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogía del oprimido. México: Siglo XXI Editores.
Ilufi, R. (2012). El tiempo percepción y métrica en diversas culturas. Obtenido de