Uncertainty management within the institutional communication strategy of the ‘gobierno en línea’ program in Risaralda


  • Orlando Rodríguez


E-government, public policies, new institutionalism, uncertainty


This paper offers the main findings around the research on the institutional communication strategy program called ‘Gobierno en línea’ which seeks to improve efficiency in communication processes among governmental administration, organizations and citizens. It also aims to reduce opportunities uncertainty provided by the Government in several areas, as well as some productive arrangements. In addition, a comparative method is used on the institutional communication from the Government of Risaralda, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Mines and Energy websites, which are addressed to the “panela” producers, coffee and mining guilds. It is concluded that there is an asymmetry of information, as it is not presented as expected by the guilds mentioned for this research in the Department.

Author Biography

  • Orlando Rodríguez

    Comunicador social - periodista de la UCP. Master of arts in global political economy de la Kassel Universität


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