Adolescence, culture and law in the present time. A psychoanalytic refl ection


  • Carlos Andrés Hurtado Díaz
  • Yamile Hasbon Orozco


Latency, desire, drive, sexuality


This writing is part of some academic refl ections that theauthors have been making about the different avatars that canoccur in the psychic constitution of adolescent subjects. Thisarticle is an initial proposal of how to understand the timeevolution of the adolescent encounter with the implicationsof their sexuality, their body, their language and the differentwaivers they must live with for entering the social bond.Finally, this signifi cant moment of adolescence is articulatedwith the entrance to the culture and the implications it hastowards the encounters and/or dis-encounters with the law.

Author Biographies

  • Carlos Andrés Hurtado Díaz

    Psicólogo. Especialistaen clínica Psicoanalítica,Magister en Psicoanálisis.Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud. Docente Universidad Católica de Pereira

  • Yamile Hasbon Orozco

    Psicóloga. Especialistaen clínica psicoanalítica.Estudiante Magister enPsicoanálisis. PsicólogaAlcaldía de Pereira(Secretaría de gobierno).Docente catedráticaUniversidad Católica dePereira.


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