The subject amid much eagerness
Unconscious, Master’s discourse, capitalist discourse, logical timeAbstract
This writing has the pretension to elucidate the statute oftime in the capitalist discourse and in the psychoanalysis.Besides, a brief historical boarding is made for locating theparticularities of the capitalist discourse and its infl uencesin the treatment of time. It is also shown how the time hasbecome treated as an object of consumption due to theproduction imperatives promoting this discourse. Then,Freudian postulates related to the timeless characteristicof unconscious are retaken, as well as the Lacaniancontributions regarding the logical time and the unconsciousas the Master’s discourse, to analyze the differences existingwith when approaching the time in the capitalist discourse.In conclusion, the characteristics of each speech in thetreatment of time are established.
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