Lexicon mutations in written texts in the area of educational thought and communication
Language, educational thinking, paradigm, intellectual fi eldAbstract
The following question arises .What are the assumptions and goals with those involved in lexical and their respective mutations in articles included in a magazine as a base analysis for this research?, the answer is supported from the following authors Conant (2002), Fleck (1986) and Bourdieu (2002), beginning with two refl ections; one them is “possible worlds for science” and the other one “speech and higher education. In order to do it, from a qualitative methodological approach was verifi ed that apart from mutations in the realm of ideas, it is possible to do the same amount regarding lexicon. It is shown that mutations exist that are important from the assumptions and goals, which are forms to fractionate horizons of meaning. It is considered that the different lexicons are not individual but social constructions around an academic discipline, profession or fi elds of interest. What occurs in the dynamic is the refl ection from the emphasis of training discipline and interest towards study phenomena.
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