Transactions of meaning between significant adult and infant from the use of a technology tool
Transactions of meaning, significant adult, child, families’ school, computerAbstract
Nowadays it can be seen that adults are worried about the time spent by children using the computer, also the huge importance that this represents to them. The main aim of this investigation project is to identify the pedagogical transactions meanings that are happening between adults and children, which are observed in the families’ school at Augusto Zuluaga Patiño institution, through the use of technology tools (computers). To meet this aim, the purpose at first was to identify the characteristics of the second graders and their families, who have the use of computer as an instrument of family mediation, and then the design and application of workshops where the pedagogical transactions meanings with the use of computers are relevant, and finally, to identify the negotiations that come up in the relation between adults and children. The research model used was qualitative, having as inputs surveys, photographic recording and analysis of information collected through field diary.
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