From Epimetheus Educator to Prometheus: extend the comfort zone to visualize the invisibles knowledges


  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina


Comfort zone, Educator, Interculturality, Invisible knowledges, Banking education


The myth of Prometheus Plato with his two main characters: Epimetheus (who invested with abilities to all different species than human) and Prometheus (who facilitates the fire and the arts to humans rebels against Zeus and is chained), a pretext to an insinuating reflection that is presented to educators as a disjunctive of action. Dilemma that is developed in two intangibles scenarios, but real: the comfort zone, where they inhabit knowledge conceived by the West and Europe, which are seen as unique, totalitarian and true, which faithfully and without reflection Epimetheus’ educator deposited in his students; the other zone is the panic, for other opportunities, here there is no knowledge or complete ignorance, so-called primitive or empirical knowledge become visible, is the zone to which Prometheus educator, taking advantage of the benefits of negotiation as a pedagogical strategy, invites his students to walk in interculturalities paths. This reflection invites educators to overcome those fears of becoming Prometheus, to abandon that comfort zone where Epimetheus lives, to decolonize the school and invite the student to accept and produce new ways of thinking and inhabit the world.

Author Biography

  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina

    Tecnólogo Químico (UTP), Ingeniero de Alimentos (UNAD), Especialista en Edumática (UCP) y Magíster en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano (UCP).Estudiante de doctorado Didactica de la Ciencia (UTP), docente del Colegio Juan Manuel Gonzalez docente en pregrado y posgrado de asignaturas relacionadas con la educación en la Universidad Católica de Pereira.


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