Approximations to the concept of happiness as valid reference in times of disenchantment
Paleo-christianity, happiness, disenchantment, axis mundi, judgmentAbstract
Humans have created different positions in an attempt to define their welfare and happiness. In the antiquity the great guiding man speech and his reality was constituted by the authority, during the Middle Ages was religion, in the modernity was the reason and now is freedom. Even so, much effort has been framed in disenchantment, because today we cannot say that our age is the happiest of all. The minimum for economic welfare clouded the picture and make believe that the welfare of existence is a matter won, but limit situations, the contrarieties, the suffering, the crises, freedoms of others, the pain, disease, show the need to find meaning in such inherent human condition, because among them it is possible to speak of plenitude. Other form of welfare are possible, think about other places of joy for a tired and disenchanted man is a task that should not continue weaving insists on the branches, nor chew the same dissatisfactions that do not plan the most valuable thing we have: life. The paleo-christianity offers other looks to make more aesthetic the human existence.
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