Pedagogical styles and university educative practice improvement
Pedagogical styles, participative action research, teaching practice, teaching formation, meta reflectionAbstract
The article summarizes the results of a research about university teaching practices, whose purpose is the comprehension of the contributions that the pedagogical style(s) recognition of a university teacher does to the transformation of her own teaching practice. The focus of this research is about the critical education theory, in participative research action, oriented during a reflection-action-reflection cycle about classroom practices themselves that begins with the exploration and understanding of the predominant pedagogical style in order to make it a problem, plan and develop a reflexive didactic proposal that contributes to its transformation. The contrasting of the two previous moments allowed the research teacher`s meta reflection until make her aware of the practice components that require transformation. The results show hybridization of the pedagogical style, in the teaching and learning processes constructivism predominates and at the end of the didactic units, the evaluation is conceptual and based on memory. Matter that is inseparable from educational constructivism approaches and leaves open questions and lines according to the coherence that must exist in the academic processes of teacher training
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