Memory rehabilitation in alzheimer’s disease: an interpretation of visual mnemonics


  • Rosario Iodice
  • Juan José García Meilán


Alzheimer, Visual mnemonics, Contextual cue, Music, Rhythm


Memory rehabilitation in alzheimer’s disease: an interpretation of visual mnemonics In the last three decades, cognitive rehabilitation has gained increasing importance in various fields of research. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), memory rehabilitation, based on the visual mnemonics, despite its efficacy in nondisease young and healthy elderly, it has not achieved its full potential. The main objective of this study is to propose a reinterpretation of the classic visual mnemonics with a second encoding, based on linguistic principles of coherence, cohesion and rhythm, and to build simple sentences formed by subject, verb and complement (SVC) in order to overcome the limitations of the techniques and AD. Method: International literature review on databases PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO in the last thirty years. Conclusion: To take advantage of visual mnemonics in AD it is necessary to use the images in the process of acquisition and encoding of information and make a second encoding, based on linguistic principles of coherence, cohesion and rhythm, and to build simple sentences for long-term consolidation (sentence context).

Author Biographies

  • Rosario Iodice

    Doctor y magíster en Neurociencias de la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Profesional en Filosofía y Letras de la Segunda Universidad de los Estudios de Nápoles. Docente de tiempo completo del Programa de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.

  • Juan José García Meilán

    Doctor y magíster en Neurociencias de la Universidad de Salamanca (España).


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