The whitened screen. Makeup of the social skin on the news of RCN
Discourse, Representation, Processing of the information, Public communication, Mediation (Source: Tesauro of the UNESCO)Abstract
This article is the result of an investigation about a problematic presents in Colombian screens: they are blanched, it is applied a kind of symbolic orthopedics over the bodies of those represented to show a modern and aseptic image of the country, without the ethnic diversity that enriches it. It realizes these whitening strategies through a study of RCN news, using as method the comprehensive research of French sociologist Jean-Claude Kaufmann, that enacts a lively dialogue between the field and the theory in order to emerge the subjectivity of the researcher, manifesting for example in building their own analysis tools. That is precisely what has been done, revealing certain visibility policies as the focusing lens, that by focusing on a fact blurs environments and contours of the news; or the creation of narrative scenarios that place the event in a more emotional level, which leads to a distortion of news and social impact of the news.
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