Analysis of predictive factors in use of psychoactive substances
Consumption, Psychoactive, Cognitive variables, FamilyAbstract
Various studies show that consumption ofpsychoactive substances has increased over the years.This increase is associated with nature cognitivefactors emotional- affective and instability in familyrelationships; Factors that may affect academic,cognitive and behavioral areas of students. We setout to analyze the effect of cognitive variables andfamily on the consumption of alcohol, tobaccoand marijuana and. 78 young people were assessedbetween 16 and 28 years old. 16% were male and84% female, all from a private university in Arequipa,Peru. The Tower of Hanoi was applied to measureplanning; the Simon Task, for inhibitory control andthe Iowa Gambling Task for decision-making. Threequestionnaires were applied; AUDIT for alcoholconsumption, sociodemographic variables and toinquire about nicotine and marijuana. It is observedthat there is a certain part of the gender effect on thefrequency and intensity of alcohol; on the other handthe extent of planning is affected by the frequencyand intensity of alcohol and nicotine. Furthermore,no significance is given to the dependent variablesand marijuana.
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