Basic and vocational school students learning strategies use and association


  • Hedilberto Granados López
  • Felipe Antonio Gallego López
  • Diana Milena Arredondo Clavijo


Motivation and Learning Strategies Questionnaire (CMEA for Spanish), Learning, Learning strategies


This research is aimed to identify significantchanges in cognitive learning strategies association,in 341 primary and secondary students. Hence, aquantitative approach with a correlational scopetransactional design, has been opted. According tothe obtained results, it was possible to identify thatthe correlation between learning strategies tends todecline in relation to the level of schooling, with averified lower association between the tenth andeleventh grades in relation to the eighth and ninthgrades, which correlation values were found higher.Within the conclusions, it is noted that the Elaboration(ELA) learning strategy in the four groups, couldbe associated to the use of guides and ways toimplement the indications in class, which couldpotentially explain the fall in correlation values and,consequently, the little association between the othercognitive learning strategies in the student populationthat served as base for the present study

Author Biographies

  • Hedilberto Granados López

    Magíster en Educaciónde la UniversidadCatólica de Manizales.Profesional en Filosofía.Docente investigador dela maestría en Educaciónde la UniversidadCatólica de Manizales,actualmente vinculado ala pesquisa de temáticasrelacionadas con lascreencias epistemológicas,autorregulación y motivacióndel aprendizaje

  • Felipe Antonio Gallego López

    Magíster en MatemáticaAplicada de la UniversidadNacional de Colombia.Matemático de laUniversidad Nacional(sede Manizales). Asesorestadístico de la Direcciónde Investigaciones yPosgrados (DIP) de laUniversidad Católica deManizales. Investigadorgrupo EFE. Actualmentetrabaja el impacto de lasTIC en la motivación y elaprendizaje autorreguladoen Matemáticas a través delmodelo de Van Hiele.

  • Diana Milena Arredondo Clavijo

    Magíster en Educación dela Universidad Católica deManizales. Licenciada enEducación Física. Docentede la Institución EducativaSanta Teresita de Chinchiná(Caldas).


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