Nature and sonority: an apprehension experience from artistic creation
Art, Sound, Language, Fauna, FloraAbstract
This article examines some American and Hindutraditional songs cultural and aesthetic aspects, incounterpoint to an own sound creation work. Fromthe traditional songs cultural and symbolic richness,particularly those that are based on the relationshipwith the fauna and flora, we establish a conceptualpicture regarding organic compound systemic use,some plants and animals mythical and symbolicalrepresentations and, its implication in politicaland cultural behaviors through two moments.First, language-sonorous which is exposed throughphilosophical postulates and the traditional singingand visionary uses in art particularity. Secondly, travelterritory, to identify two travel concept states, oneassociated with the physical movement by a certaintopographical and cultural space, and the other onthe values given to dimensional travel resulting fromthe use of virtual environments or from physical orsymbolic interaction with fauna and flora. Currently,a meeting between addressed theories and an artisticsound and installing work particular creation.
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