Users’ emotional interactions with brands in Facebook social network: A content analysis from Valence Arousal Dominance (VAD)


  • Jose Abel López Osorio
  • Ángela Beatriz Duque Osorio


Social networks, Emotional dimensions, Brand engagement, Content, Interaction


Social networks have become an increasingly presentphenomenon in the everyday world of Internet users,which has led brands to decide and take advantage ofthem as a space for direct communication since theycan establish talks with their target group.From a qualitative approach the researchers aimedto develop a descriptive cross-sectional study, whichwas based in content analysis allowing a systematicdescription and interpretation of generated andshared brand messages through Facebook semanticand formal components.The core interest has been establishing emotionalcomponents analysis categories, and determinetheir role as users’ action motivators and their brandcommitment. Based on the results and previouslearning, we tried to compare content effectivenesslevel with the metrics provided by Facebook,establishing possible guidelines in advertisingcommunication strategies.

Author Biographies

  • Jose Abel López Osorio

    Magíster en Educación dela Universidad Católica deManizales. Profesional en DiseñoVisual de la Universidad de Caldas. Docente del programade Publicidad de la Universidad Católica de Manizale

  • Ángela Beatriz Duque Osorio

    Magíster en Educación yprofesional en Publicidad dela Universidad Católica deManizales. Docente del programade Publicidad de la UniversidadCatólica de Manizales


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