Communication, narratives and learning process: Television receptions and production of meaning
mass media narratives, mass media reception, meaning production, , meaningful learning processAbstract
This article presents the research results Educational readings of television. Learning on the reception, from narrative analysis of three diff erent programs (documentaries, fi ction stories and tv news) and the readings by 36 adolescent from Manizales. The conclusion was when the television´s narrative has a highly structure propositional generates meaningful learning in audiences. This event has a source from television´s stories are proposed to audience active the meaningful learning process, without the content been explicitly educational. For the comprehension process about social environment, is necessaries a previous condition, the narrative structure of television´s programs must be highly interpellative, in other words, the narrative may contains stories about the world what propitiates the formation of creative association between content programs and the precedent knowledge from audience. This research concludes that the educational potential from television is based in the narrative way condition.References
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