Cognitive Dissabilities, a look from teachers´ conceptions
conceptions, cognitive dissabilities, inclusion, segregation and integrationAbstract
This paper is the result of the analysis of various interviews and observations with three teachers from the Institución Educativa San Vicente Hogar from fi rst and second grades. We focused on the teachers’ believes about educational possibilities of girls with cognitive dissabilities, considering that in their classroom there are already girls who show signs of such dissabilities. It was through that approach, and the use of hermeneutic translations, that we came up with a description of its conception and the way these are related to their practices. These are evident in the teachers’ daily duties and in the way the teachers relate to the girls with cognitive dissabilities. As a result of this process we were able to grasp and understand the conceptions of teachers on the subject at hand, which is such a fundamental part of understanding the changes, both required and feasible, in the fi eld, cultures and politics, in order for its inclusion to become a reality within the context of education.
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