Reliability and validity of the questionnaires used for assessing professors performance competency of superior education


  • María Antonia López Castro
  • María Elena Bernal Loaiza
  • José Soto Mejía


Teacher’s Evaluation, Validity, Reliability, Competency.


This paper describes the process developed to analyze the validity and reliability of skills questionnaires used to evaluate the performance of professors in the Higher Education Institute of Pereira, from the point of view of the immediate supervisor and from the subject professor. For these questionnaires the content validity, and assessment of the reliability or internal consistency and construct validity is shown. For content validity the views of “judges” were assessed and also those of the assessed subjects (apparent validity). Internal consistency was measured by Cronbach’s coefficient α. For construct validity, Factor Analysis was used, which was performed using the extraction method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation method with Kaiser Normalization

Author Biographies

  • María Antonia López Castro

    M.Sc Investigación Operativa y Estadística. Docente de la Universidad Católica de Pereira

  • María Elena Bernal Loaiza

    M.Sc Investigación Operativa y Estadística. Docente de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

  • José Soto Mejía

    PhD Engenharia de Computaçao. Docente de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.






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