Narratives about the psychosocial impacts in members of the association of families and victims of enforced disappearance in caquetá-favidesc
forced disappearance, psychosocial impact, armed conflict, narrativesAbstract
“Narratives against the psychosocial impacts on members of the association of relatives and victims of forced disappearance in Caquetá- FAVIDESC” is a document that aims to account for the phenomenon of forced disappearance, focusing on the complex situation that family members who have loved ones go through. missing loved ones The psychosocial impacts generated by said victimizing act of a disappeared family member will be investigated. In this sense, the study is part of the qualitative approach of descriptive type and narrative design, implementing the interview as an instrument for collecting information. It is expected that the project will demonstrate the effects of the armed conflict on people who have missing loved ones and can contribute to future research.