Characterization of the affective relationship between teachers and students with diverse capacities in the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Educational Institution the Bethlemitas Sisters of the municipality of Filandia, Quindío, during the year 2019


  • María Esperanza Gómez Montes Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development
  • Johana Andrea Alzate Moreno Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development
  • Mauricio Fernando Duque Cardona Licensed in mathematics



Relationship, affectivity, diverse abilities, characterization, teachers, students, school, teaching and learning


This research article is the product of the analysis carried out to characterize the affectivity between teachers and students with diverse abilities of basic primary in the Sacred Heart of Jesus School, in Filandia, Quindío. With the above, to work investigative, a mixed methodology was applied where the instruments used were surveys, interviews, class observation for teachers and students of the school; of Similarly, the analysis of results were applied to statistical graphs to measure the responses of teachers and students in the institution about the level of affectivity.

Author Biographies

  • María Esperanza Gómez Montes, Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development

    Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development, Universidad Católica de Pereira. Degree in Biology and Environmental Education, Universidad del Quindío

  • Johana Andrea Alzate Moreno, Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development

    Student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development, Universidad Católica de Pereira. Degree in Preschool Education, Universidad del Quindío.

  • Mauricio Fernando Duque Cardona, Licensed in mathematics

    Licensed in mathematics. Edumatics specialist. Master in Pedagogy and Human Development. Master in Education and Training.


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