The actions of the students from their voices in the Fundación Manos Unidas de Dios, in Armenia, Quindío


  • José Arturo Fonseca Cardona Bachelor of School Religious Education
  • Mauricio Fernando Cardona Duque Licensed in mathematics



Loss, repetition, attrition, learning problems, students, pedagogy and human sensitivity


The following article is the result of research and analysis in the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development, whose starting point was the actions of the students from their voices at the Manos Unidas de Dios Foundation, in Armenia, Quindío. The research work was based on a mixed methodology that consisted of the use of tools, such as surveys with open and closed questions, and intellectual exams, to diagnose the learning problems of the students of the program. In the same way, the research made it possible to collect data that yielded answers about the loss, repetition and desertion of students belonging to the training school

Author Biographies

  • José Arturo Fonseca Cardona, Bachelor of School Religious Education

    José Arturo Fonseca Cardona has a degree in School Religious Education, a graduate of the Catholic University of Pereira and a student of the Specialization in Pedagogy and Human Development, Catholic University of Pereira.

  • Mauricio Fernando Cardona Duque, Licensed in mathematics

    Mauricio Fernando Cardona Duque has a degree in Mathematics, a specialist in Edumatics, a Master in Pedagogy and Human Development, and a Master in Education and Training.


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