Campos fenoménicos que debe investigar, intervenir e impactar el psicólogo hoy: una profesionalización en versión disciplinar
This paper has as its main objective to propose a reflection about the psychological behaviour and its relation to practices, techniques and investigation in the professional life.
Likewise, it intends to find the origin to the relation profession – discipline, showing that the first one constitutes the social vocation of the second one.
Showing how the behavior fields that the psychologist should investigate, act and impact must be related to the psychological theories and the ways of organization of the knowledge; that’s why the be havior field will not make sense without the direct reference to twe the ovy and to the psychological science and it will not make sense without a definition of subject that establishes all the notorious pre- occupation of the psychology since its beginnings in the human world.
This way, the paper is developed based in the comprehension of the following topics:
The perspective of the behavior in psychology, based in the comprehension shared in the human being: without a reference – concept model can’t exist the practice.
Current stages where the psychologist constitutes behavior communities:
A dimension of how to do instrumentally.
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