El buen uso del agua, una decisión racional que genera beneficios
Rationality, Institution, Responsibility Social, Public good, Sustainability, Effectiveness, Cost-BenefitAbstract
The water is a public property, a basic resource for the development of a region and a fundamental human right; for that reason, their administration and preservation are of public utility and social interest. In this document the water is recognized has the connotation of public good and its management from a perspective of sustainability and sustentabilidad has manifold dimensions: ethics, social, economic and political.
This document describes the methods used by the company of communitarian aqueduct ACUCESDI in being able the identity of the community with the management of the water to guarantee a true commitment with its care and the consolidation of a culture of the rational use of the water, like the way to preserve this precious liquid and to guarantee permanent and sufficient hydric resources.
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