Políticas públicas y el sector industrial en Pereira y Dosquebradas


  • Eliana Reyes Peña
  • Jennifer González
  • Yuly Córdoba Quintero




Public location, Policies, Globalización


The location as the election to be located in a territory becomes a key factor for the success or failure of the companies. It is by that the company was chosen to make the comparison in this work of investigation Confecciones Robert J who was located in Dosquebradas and as he resists,1 Busscar de Colombia S.A., that is so much in Dosquebradas as in Pereira.

The investigation was made in order to identifi how grey influenced the public policies in the location decision and therefore, what other factors found both companies to develop their activity in this territory, reason why is indispensable an ample conceptualización of the economic, administrative and financial terms that will give to foot to the understanding and clarity of the work.

The investigation was grouped in three sections. In first of them it is developed to the exposition and formulation of the problem, together with the objectives; in the second, the perspective are synthesized of theoretical way economic, financial and administrative, it bases for the understanding of the investigation, and finally in apartadlo three the closing report is made as resulting from the investigation.

This work allows to make a as much theoretical approach as practitioner in the enterprise scope to know real form the agreements that the companies have come makingfor their address, considering phenomena like the globalización and the incipiente necessity of I&D that at the moment requires the enterprise world.


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