Los productos de los estudiantes. El colectivo de cuarto semestre la localización estratégica y los medios de transporte


  • Carlos Uriel Hoyos Agudelo
  • José Ancizar Galeano Betancur
  • Hugo Alejandro Hoyos Agudelo




Average of transport, location of companies, Port of Tribugá


In the present work the importance of transport means will be observed and as they influence these in the location of the companies in a specific region, knowing the necessities that Colombia has and of how the existing ports do not fulfill the dimensions and necessary specifications for the adapted handling of the harbor load, in the case of the exports and the imports of merchandise.

Also the necessity of a new port in the coast of the Colombian Pacific by the Free Trade Agreement is demonstrated that is signed with other countries and it is possible to be gotten to be one more a more competitive ngtion in the commercial aspects, where will be known that the creation of this port will improve the quality of life of the individuals that live near that region and on how see beneficiaries the nearest departments.

In the investigation one considers what type of regional policies, national and international can be adopted so that they are managed to create the optimal conditions for the construction of the port and how the investors play a fundamental role in the consolidation of the work.


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