Los productos de las Estudiantes. El colectivo de tercer semestre


  • Maria Fernanda Acosta Ramírez
  • Sara Lucía Grajales Arcila




Cooperatives, economic rationality, uncertainty, entrepreneur


One the main feactures in any kind of organization is that they must constantly make decisions, wich are made in a state of uncertinty, the fact of not knowing the organizations, should take decisions in a rational maner, that is, finding the most suitable option for economic entity, it must have detailed information and thus subtantially reduce the risk.

There are currently on the market a large number of companies within the highlight what those beloning to the sector of the economy basad on solidarity. The present investigation was speaking specifically of two cooperatives, COODECUAR and COTRASENA engaged in saving and credit of its parthers. These two cooperatives, highlighted by complying benefit both economic and social parthers and the comumunity at large, throught the provision of various sedrvices, particularly financial ones.

This research is being conducted in order to comply with the demands of collective teachers lll semester of business Administration, to whom we express our sincere apprecation for the undertanding and cooperation shown during the semester.


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