¿Cómo las funciones del diseño transforman las estructuras de los artefactos en el contexto sociocultural?
Design functions, structure, artefacts, context, cultureAbstract
Knowing the artifacts' characteristics and their importance in their environment is to make reference to those aspects that compose them, such as their structure and function. Thus, the basic design functionsformal-esthetical, communicative-symbolic and practical function-allow us to understand in its entirety each of the objects that surround us and widen our ways of thinking, feeling and living in this world full of objects.
Context and the diversity of objects in it are indispensable in many ways for industrial designers, since they are a means of communication for individuals, societies and cultures. Context and the plurality of subjects are also a source of possibilities, restrictions and requirements that permit designers to create objects that are the direct result of a logical process accepted by society.
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