Neuropsychological characterization of semantic dementia and Alzheimer's disease


  • Natalia López Psicóloga
  • Yamile Bocanegra Psicóloga



Memory, semantic dementia, alzahi.mer's disase, neuropsychological alterations


Sernantics dementia (DS) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) have similar neuropsychological features at th.eir early stages. For this reason, several studies have focused their attention on establishing the characterist.ics of the alterations in both pathologies and found that, ifneuropsychological batteries sensitive to the role of semantic memory are deployed, it is possible to establish a difference between the two diseases. However, there is still a significant lack of clarity concerning the type of problems that take place in the semantic memory in both illnesses. The purpose of this article is to make a cháracterization of the neuropsychological alterations that occur in both DS and AD, in arder to better distinguish these diseases. The article presents sorne generalities of DS and AD and reviews empirical studies that have sought to determine the differences between the neuropsychological prof les of these two types ofdementia.. 


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