Banca en colombia: estructura de mercado, concentración y estabilidad bancaria 1998 - 2009'


  • Jonathan Florez Gallego Estudiante
  • Jaime Alberto Echeverry Restrepo Estudiante



Monetary policy, financial system, market structure, banking system


This paper uses indicators such as concentration ratio, Herfindahl concentration the Herfindah & Hirschman indicator, and the stability índex concentration to determine the market structure of the Colombian banking system during the period 1998— 2009. To this end, the article illustrates the degree of concentration of and the type of market structure the system has. The article proceeds with a definition of the microeconomic conditions of the said system and concludes that it possesses an oligopolic structure and significant stability with a low degree of concentration and that it seems to follow the US anti-monopoly approach. 


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