The desing, the object and the communication


  • Carmen Adriana Pérez Cardona Diseñadora Industrial



context, object, user, culture, sign


This paper does an approach to the conception of the different forms of the object which the human being interacts with; as a creator within a transformer context. In a second place the option of making the surroundings an object is analyzed and how this has made easier the survival and safety for the human being on the earth, allowing to enlarge his view of an unexpected future. Finally it is stated that the decisions and the options that are presented in the field of design are reflected from the concepts and in the object responses through its implementation, within a context, being the language a basic factor of the object-subject interaction.

Author Biography

  • Carmen Adriana Pérez Cardona, Diseñadora Industrial

    Diseñadora Industrial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Especialista en Gestión Tecnológica Universidad EAN y Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Especialista en Estética y Cultura Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín, Docente Asistente investigadora de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda


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