Social Responsability and Industrial Design


  • Patricia Herrera Saray Docente
  • Carlos Andrés Londoño Echeveny Docente



Social responsibility, industrial design, inclusion


Social responsibility is a posture that indicate thought and action forms that extend the egoistic calculation and promote half-full practices by solidarity and sociál commitment; they generate a type of inducted responsibility that inclines towards not only to the individual well-being but also to other social sectors, identifying problematic of alternative specific populations and constructing to promote a solution of the identified and processed needs. This perspective of social action outlines in the designers ethical conducts, defining to have active duty with each the other, by means of recognition of the specific historical conditions and the social and economic dimensions that surround it. This is how in fifth semester of designing, an exercise is realized having applied oriented methodologies to take care of the needs of the people with incapacity of responding to social commitment. 

Author Biographies

  • Patricia Herrera Saray, Docente

    Docentes de Diseño Humano y Tecnología de Producción, V semestre de 2010-II.

  • Carlos Andrés Londoño Echeveny, Docente

    Docentes de Diseño Humano y Tecnología de Producción, V semestre de 2010-II.


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