Desing as a responsability agent
Inclusive design, ecological sustainability, social responsibilityAbstract
In the new global order, a concern has been increasing for people with special characteristics and sustainable deyelopment. The designer's task is to make the world a dontext much more conscious and inclusive, in which the universal and sustainable design is the protagonist, since the conditions of the environment affect all society, from the physical, psychological, economical, and political view. From various designers theorical analysis, design has stopped being an isolated activity to become a concurrent activity, focuses on the collective benefit, concentrating on a user-centered design, thinking on the consequences of the design before implementing them, and focusing on effective solutions.
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Papanek, Victor (1971). Diseñar para el mundo real, ecología humana y cambio social.Madrid: H. Blume Ediciones.
Pelta, Raquel (2007). Diseño Crítico: Diseñar con la gente. Disponible e n : http// e/76580/105103. Consultada el: 30 de octubre de 2010.