Urban space construction methods and forms


  • Arq. Luis Guillermo Aristizábal Restrepo Docente
  • Arq. Santiago Castaño Duque Docente
  • Abg. Olga Lucía Monsalve Morales Docente
  • Arq. Jorge Enrique Osorio Velásquez Docente




Urban development, urban rules, formal and informal city, historical city


This article makes a reflection on Pereira's urban growth from a historical perspective, defining three scenarios in which the effects of the formal projecting action and urban informal actions are narrated and analyzed on the actual type of city. This city, characterized by the oscillation that the urban contrast generates for periods of economic prosperity reflected in some fragments of city symbols, by the urban precariousness and social exclusion, is placed in observation searching to generate criteria that guide us towards the development of adequate mechanisms of analysis and intervention, consequent with the demands of a current dynamic environment, which allow the construction of a participating action scenario from the consciente with social responsibility in the academie and professional fields. 

Author Biographies

  • Arq. Luis Guillermo Aristizábal Restrepo, Docente

    Docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Programa de Arquitectura, 2010.

  • Arq. Santiago Castaño Duque, Docente

    Docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Programa de Arquitectura, 2010.

  • Abg. Olga Lucía Monsalve Morales, Docente

    Docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Programa de Arquitectura, 2010.

  • Arq. Jorge Enrique Osorio Velásquez, Docente

    Docentes de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, Programa de Arquitectura, 2010.


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