Approach to experimental science from scientific epistemology and the philosophy of science
Scientific epistemology, philosophy of science, experimental method, interdisciplinary knowledgeAbstract
A conceptual approach is offered to science, understood as an object of knowledge, from the point of view of experimental scientific epistemology and the philosophy of science. Such determination of the scientific knowledge is obtained from boarding different preceding reflections from authors such as Mario Bunge, Elí Gortari, Marx Wartofsky, H.J. Barraud, John Bernal and L. Geymonat, among others. Their contributions serve as a theorical base to the personal reflection realized. Thanks to the expansion of rationality, it has been considered pertinent to insist in which the different tecno-scientists constructors should conduct themselves towards human development.
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GEYMONAT, L. (1967). . Barcelona: Labor.
GORTARI, Eli. (1970). . México: Grijalbo.
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WARTOFSKY, Marx. (1973). . Madrid: Alianza.