¿Is it possible to speak of a culture built from faith?


  • Gloria Rocío Gallego Estudiante
  • Martha Nancy Vinasco Estudiante




Globalization, evangelization, faith, religion, pastoral


Today's world presents many challenges caused largely by technological change and globalization. This involves a change of mentality that affects culture, understood not only as the acquisition of knowledge, but also as a constitutive element in the formation of the person and their relationship with the environment. The culture itself is a possibility of growth; this is why it needs to be considered by the pastoral agents, so that it can be evaluated through the light of the Gospel, since both must be vitally united to give the human being a horizon of integral growth. This evangelization must be proposed and carried out from everyday life, since Christ became flesh to give life in abundance.

Author Biographies

  • Gloria Rocío Gallego, Estudiante

    Estudiante VIII semestre de la Licenciatura en Educación Religiosa - segundo semestre de 2011.

  • Martha Nancy Vinasco, Estudiante

    Estudiante VIII semestre de la Licenciatura en Educación Religiosa - segundo semestre de 2011.


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