Experimental fast prototyper workstation at Universidad Católica de Pereira


  • Paula Andrea Miranda Estudiante




Formative research, industrial design, workstation, rapid prototyping


This paper shows a proposal for formative research on experimental rapid prototyping development and implementation of an experimental fast prototyping and their respective workstation which aims to improve the design process carried out in the workshops program industrial design UCP by enabling the generation of prototypes. This is an ongoing investigation applied type, which has been developing since 2008, then presents the methodology carried out by the research group, which consists in gathering relevant information, application and development of prototype model to the above information, validation of initial prototype, prototype development and pilot assembly and recognition of electrical or electronics needed for the implementation of the machine.

It raises also the most important results obtained during the investigation, as the designand development of a functional coordinate table, the mechanical assembly machine prototyping and several awards in the events I have attended the investigation group

Author Biography

  • Paula Andrea Miranda, Estudiante

    Estudiante de VIII semestre del programa de Diseño Industrial.2011-1


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