Outsourcing process and accounting


  • Gloria Stella Salazar Yepes Magister




Organization, financial accounting, utility, investment


At the beginning of the 21st century, we have experienced changes in economic and business dynamics worldwide, as a response to the diversification in the production processes, marketing, administration of companies and businesses in general. Among the changing manifestations we have observed the increase in participation of tertiary GDP activities, phenomenon that receives the name of "Outsourcing", which refers to the increase experienced by the economic weight of the service sector on the GDP generation, which means, that change in the economic sectors participation, has led to service activities to occupy a higher proportion of the economically active population.

Author Biography

  • Gloria Stella Salazar Yepes, Magister

    Magister enAdministración (MSC). DocenteAsistente Facultad de Ciencias Económicas yAdministrativas UCP


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