Transmedia storytelling as strategy to stimulate in students of the school Hugo Angel Jaramillo the English oral production
communicative competence, oral production, transmedia storytelling, , ICT (information and communication)Abstract
This article describes the experience in designing and implementing a transmedia storytelling called “Can you guess who is the murderer?” This is a tool designed to promote oral production in English by strengthening vocabulary and a series of challenges performed by 9th grade students of the School Hugo Angel Jaramillo. Institution, located in Pereira, specifically in the Industrial Park neighborhood. Transmedia storytelling allows students face different challenges that involve the oral production of phrases, descriptions and questions using the vocabulary proposed in the game, which should be submitted as evidence to the group of what’s app and heading to different places to get more information by the English teachers, in this way they could solve the case described in the transmedia storytelling.
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